Understanding Melasma And Possible Treatments for melasma

In the few weeks after spending a superb time under the sun during summer vacations, you might notice your tan wearing off. But along with that, you might also notice a few brown and/or greyish spots seemed to be sticking around for a while. These patches are indicators of a sunray-induced skin condition called melasma.

Melasma blotches usually appear on the forehead, cheeks, upper lips, and/ or nose. Basically, the areas on your face that are highlighted when the sun hits them directly are most affected by melasma. But they are not only limited to the face as there are cases where people get melasma spots on their shoulders, neck, back and other body parts that might be exposed to the skin regularly.

As climate change picks up speed and our environment takes a turn for the worst, the sunrays become harsher. Skin exposed to these rays without the proper SPF protection gets the brunt of the reaction.

That is why many health professionals advise to invest in a high-quality and high-SPF sunscreen and use it every time you step out under the sun. The winter season is no exception as the sun rays don’t lose their intensity even then.

Cause of Melasma

As of now, it is quite difficult to find a direct cause of melasma. But the general theory is explained as the melanocytes in our skin producing more melanin or colour than necessary.

When these cells do that, it results in discoloured patches appearing on the skin. And this reaction on melanocytes is often triggered by prolonged exposure to the sun.

Besides sun exposure, Treatments for Melasma. Since women tend to experience hormonal disturbances more than men, they are at higher risk for getting melasma. That is why melasma in pregnant women is quite common. In fact, sometimes melasma is referred to as ‘the mask of pregnancy’.

Treatments for Melasma

For a few lucky people, melasma goes away on its own without any issues. Then there are those who have melasma that hangs around for a long time. If someone has melasma that doesn’t seem to be healing, consulting a healthcare professional is the right call.

Depending on the severity and extent of your melasma, your doctor may use a different form of treatment. The most common treatment is the administration of creams that contain various kinds of agents and ingredients that help reduce the pigmentation.

If your melasma is caused by hormonal changes, the doctor will take a detail medical history to find out why your hormone levels are disturbed. After that, they will make the necessary adjustments.

The conclusion is that you should be rigorous about sun protection. Never forget to apply a liberal amount sunscreen and wear clothes that protect you from the sun’s harsh rays.

But if you have already developed melasma, you can contact the Excellence Medical and Skin Care Clinic to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT. Our experienced doctor will make sure that you find the right solution to improve the discolouration on your skin.